

News About Foundation

News About Foundation is helping christian projects all over the world. Our mail purpose is to help spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are aware of the fact that every earthly possession is a gift from God. This means that we have to act as good stewards with the money that is entrusted to us. So the people that are working for our foundation are volunteers and we do our best to use all the money we receive to spend for projects thet really need it.

Selected projects

We select the projects that we support in our best possible way. We support Christians that use there (spare) time to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. We help by providing small funds to make this easier. We do not provide funds for building projects or simular projects.

In return for our supoort, we expect from the supported projects that we recieve frequently information about the project. In this way we can make good descisions about the provided support.

Our guidelines

We are very careful in spending the money that we have recieved.

When we are considering to support a person, project or ministry that applies for support, the following questions should be answered positively:

  • Is the person, project or ministry anointed and fruitful? Is it bringing forth real fruit for the kingdom of God?
  • Is it ethical? Is it ethical in the way it appeals for money? Is it ethical in the way it handles money? Is it a good and faithful steward of the money in God’s kingdom?
  • Is it aligned with the Holy Scripture? Is what they are doing in obedience to scriptural principles? That’s very important, because God blesses what is in line with His Word.
  • Are the leaders prayerful, humble, depending on God, industrious and efficient?
  • The Bible makes it very clear that God hates sloppiness, waste and extravagance. That does not mean we have to be stingy, but it does mean we cannot afford to be extravagant, and Boaz does not intend to support extravagance in any ministry.

Regular reports

All supported persons and projects will have to report about the way it has spent the money and about its fruits;

At least once every 3 months we like to recieve a newsletter about your project. Including the activities, pictures and if possible some personal stories. 

Besides your reports we keep in touch with others that visit the persons or projects or ministries. We try to stimulate these “spokespersons” to keep regularly in touch with their brothers and sisters and (if possible) to visit them.

How does our foundation handle an application for support?

At first the person or the ministry has to declare that it fully subscribes the basic rules for support as mentioned above. Also at least one other Christian, personally known by News About Foundation has to declare that this person or ministry actually will follow these rules.

After that, News About Foundation gathers information about the person, project or ministry. This information should come from the person/ministry itself and from one or more other Christians.

When News About Foundation has gathered enough information, there will be extensive prayer about the person or project. Only when God makes it clear to go on, we prepare to send support.

After that, information is gathered about bank accounts and so on and a written statement is asked from the Christian or ministry that will be supported. If this is collected the support or gathering of support can get started.

From the moment on that the support is given, the person or ministry also has to give full report, as mentioned above (a guideline for giving report is available).

When information about the support is indicating that the supported person or project isn’t obeying one of the basic rules, News About Foundation will stop the support, at least until it’s clear what is wrong.

Healthcare for ministry workers

Al Indian people that we support, we strongly advise to enter the The Missionary Upholders Trust (MUT). The MUT is supporting missionary workers is case of costly heathproblems and their family even in case of the death of a ministry worker. The monthly fee is only about 20 rupees. More information can be found on www.mutindia.org 

Prayer points

Please pray for the wisdom of the people of our foundation. Pray for us to get the right and honest information and at the right time and pray for them that abuse of the support directly will be noted. Pray for the Christians and ministries that are supported by our foundation. Pray for them that they won’t disobey the basics rules. Pray for the supporters that they will supply our foundation with the money that is needed and that they only will give to glorify Gods name all over the world.

News About Foundation board